3- Days Training Programme Digital Marketing in Agriculture

The program started by welcome address of Ms.Prathibha Program coordinator and the resource person was Dr Rose Kavitha.The first day session started with identifying the expectations of this program by the panchyat leaders and farmers. Day one started with the Introduction to the topic:Agriculture Value Chain and then she moved on to Vegetable/Fruits cultivation& Rural enterprise opportunities in Denkanikottai-Krishnagiri District.
The Training covered the topics
- Digital Marketing
- Uses of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
- Post Harvest Managementof Fruits & Vegetables-
- Role of Farmers Producers Organization In Agricultural Marketing
- Digital Marketing of Horticultural Production
- Linking Farmers to the Market
On the first day, the first session was on Introduction to Processing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants conducted by Dr Rose Kavitha. She explained the importance of aromatic plants with videos and it was very interactive. This was followed by a second session enumerating the usage of aromatic and medicinal plants. She gave many statistics on the uses of aromatic plants by mentioning that they are mainly exploited for essential oil extraction for applications in industries, for example, in cosmetics, flavoring and fragrance, spices, pesticides, repellents and herbal beverages. At the end of the session, the program coordinator did felicitation for the Resource Person. The farmers were so excited to participate in this 3 day training program. The second day Dr Rose Kavitha started with a talk on ‘Marketing Details Of Agriculture Products’ .She highlighted on the importance of marketing for any commodities that are
coming to the market and covered issues on the services involved in moving an agricultural product from the farm to the consumer. He explained in detail the marketing of services that involved planning, organizing, directing and handling of agricultural produce in such a way as to satisfy farmers, intermediaries and consumers.
On the third day , Dr.Rose Kavitha being an industrial psychologist did conduct a survey on the farmers regarding their interest in growing the aromatic plants and going for digital marketing. She conducted two sessions ‘Role of the Farmer Producers Organization in the Agricultural Market’ and on ‘Marketing Functions and Channels in the Horticulture Industry’, She conducted two activities during her session on ‘Marketing Functions and Channels in the Horticulture Industry’. She helped the participants on how to tap the Agripreneurial skills in every participant. She also spoke on Digital Marketing and Recent Trends in Horticulture Production. This session was followed by the field trip. The participants were taken to Organic Plant Nurseries in Denkanikottai, Krishnagiri District-Tamilnadu. To conclude, panchat leaders from the Krishnagiri district and participants from various Agriculture sector and farmers from nearby villages attended the training program. 30 SC, OBC and ST farming families also attended the event. Special thanks to the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing for giving me this opportunity.