General Guidelines for the authors
- Only Soft copy of the manuscript to be submitted online through email only.
Email id : - Manuscript should be in MS Word format,
- The length of the article can between ten to twenty pages excluding annexure.
- Ensure that the article is free from grammatical and spelling mistakes
- Ensure that the article has undergone a thorough plagiarism check before submission.
- Follow the APA format
- Use white 8 ½ x 11” paper.
- Have 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides
- Font style: Times New Roman
- Title Font Size: 12,
- Body font Size :10,
- Bold Title, Headings, Subheadings, Table No and Table Name
- Double space the entire research paper
- Include a page header at the top of every page.
Components of the Research Paper
Ideally the research paper should include the following
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Main Body
- References
Title Page:
This page should contain the Title of the paper, the author’s name and institutional affiliation.
- Begin with the Title of the paper
- On the first line of the page, center the word “Abstract”
- Write the summary of the research paper, the research problem, the questions that will be answered, the methodology, findings and conclusions.
- This summary should be double-spaced and less than 250 words.
- List 5-8 keywords used in the research.
The Body:
- Start with the Running title.
- Begin with the introduction.
- Present the problem and premise upon which the research is based.
- State the Methodology, describe the methods through which data was collected analyzed and interpreted.
- Use diagrams, chars, graphs and tables to display the data.
- Begin a new section with the Discussion. Bold and center this subtitle.
- Discuss whether or not hypothesis was accepted or rejected
- Begin a new section with the Findings, suggestions and conclusion. Bold and center the sub titles subtitle.
- Draw conclusions and support how your data led to these conclusions.
- Use in-text citations and include the author’s/authors’ name(s) and the publication year.
Components of the Research Paper
Ideally the research paper should include the following
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Main Body
- References
On a new page, write all the references made in making the article:
- Begin with a running title
- Center and bold the title “References”
- Alphabetize and Double-space all entries
- Every article/source mentioned in the paper and used should have a reference.
- Reference to a journal Publication: Authors name/names, year of publication in the bracket, Title of the article, Title of the Journal, page numbers.
- Reference to a Book Publication: Authors name/names, year of publication including the edition in the bracket, Title of the book, Publishers name, Chapter number.
- Newspaper References: Authors name/names, year and date of publication in the bracket, Title of the article, name of the newspaper, Column number.
- Electronic journal article: Authors name/names, year of publication in the bracket, Title of the article, Title of the Journal, page numbers, date of retrieval, name articles database.
- Document available on a web page: Authors name/names, year in the bracket, Title of the article, year and date of retrieval, name of the website
For a more complete description of referencing style and list of examples, also refer:
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, Reference PE/1475/PUB/2001
Mastering APA style: student’s workbook and training guide, Reference PE/1475/GEL/2002
The American Psychological Association website,
The American Psychological Association electronic references,
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