Awareness program on following the proper Traffic rules

Date: 02/02/2022
Beneficiary: MBA – 1st SEM STUDENTS
Road safety is a most common and important topic and has been added to various fields like education, social awareness etc, into order to bring more awareness in the public especially among school and college students. Department of Management Studies, NHCE in association with Bangalore Traffic Police Department organized an awareness program on traffic & Safety Rules on 2nd Feb, 2022.
The session highlighted on the a good knowledge about the rules and regulations to be followed while riding or driving vehicles, and also we are made aware of the documents to be carried while travelling on our private transport.
The traffic police team gave insight on the awareness and also motivated on being a modal road user; They insisted us to help the accident victim on road if any and also to educate others on the road safety.
They displayed posters which it stated that the requirements to be done by the good citizens of the city to be followed while riding or driving a vehicle. The traffic police gave a call to the young minds to develop a sense of helping people or at least to inform the police department by dialing 100, if not to take the accident victim to the nearest hospital etc…