Battle of minds was a debate based online event conducted on 12th and 13th July 2021 that concentrated on building communication in the students where they were judged on how well they can perceive and interpret situation under given circumstances. All the students of MBA department were participating in this and the event consisted of three rounds which are as follows:
- First round – Agree to disagree
- Second round – Conflict confronts
- Third round – Duel of perspective
Agree to disagree was the first round of the event,which was held on 12th July 2021 by Department of Management Studies at New horizon College of engineering. This round consists of several topics where participants involved themselves for the group discussion and share their opinions. The participants were given two hours to complete the first round. the first round was started at 11:00AM and was concluded at 02:00PM.
The judges for the first round were:-
Prof. MR. Lokesh, prof. Mrs Pavitra and prof. Sheshu of Department of Management Studies at New Horizon College of engineering
Based on the scores 50% of the least scoring participants were eliminated after first round
Conflict confront was the second round of the battle of mind event which was held on 13thJuly 2021 by department of management studies, New Horizon college of engineering. The second round was based on general topics. Where students who made through first round were divided into group of 5 participants and they were given different videos that related to the corporate scams around the globe and they had to put across their point of view by analyzing the case that was given to them and each group were given 30 minutes to prepare on that case and 10 minutes to present their perspective on that particular case. The round started at 02:00PM and concluded at 03:30PM.
Judge for the second round was: Professor Priyameet Kaur Sheshu of Department of Management Studies at New Horizon College of engineering
Based on their performance of the each team judges gave the scores and accordingly the teams were taken ahead for the next round.
Duel of perspective:
Duel of perspective was the third round of the event held on 13th July 2021 by department of management, New Horizon College of Engineering. In the third round the participants who made through first and second round were paired up in order to have classic debate where they received a general topic, where one individual has to speak for the topic or positively and another against of the negatives. Where each paired up two participants were given 10 minutes to debate and put across their perspectives and share their opinions. This was the final round of the event which got started 03:45PM and concluded at 05:30PM.
The judge for the third round was Professor Priyameet Kaur Sheshu of Department of Management Studies at New Horizon College of engineering
After the final round the scores were declared based on the participant performance and the winners were announced
Winners of the event are as follows:-
Winner – K Chandrika
Runner – Stephen K