Capstone Business Simulation
Capstone Business Simulation
Capstone® is a rich and complex business simulation designed to teach marketing, strategy, business finance & accounting, cross functional alignment, competitive analysis, teamwork and the selection of tactics and strategy to build a successful, focused organization. Participants take decisions as the CEOs of their companies and face a complex, rapidly evolving scenario. Capstone provides a seamless integration of core business learning and thereby sharpens management and business learning and acumen through modelling, analysis and strategic planning. It is immensely competitive and a fun learning experience which engages students to work in cross functional teams. Capstone is the world’s gold standard in business simulations and is used at over 800 top MBA programs across the world. The learning from this business simulations stays for a lifetime.
The simulation is designed to equip the future managers with the knowledge of strategic planning, competitor analysis, internal functional alignment, market segmentation, product positioning, finance and teamwork. At the end of the project, the students come to understand the importance of strategy in business and to appreciate the roles played by other function heads i.e. Finance, Production, HR, TQM, R&D, Marketing etc. The Simulation creates simulated environments in which managers/students face the problems and issues common to a business, and develop the skills they need to solve them. Students were divided into 9 teams to go through various rounds.