Faculty Development Program on Idea, Opportunity and Business Plan

A faculty development program on the topic “Idea, Opportunity and Business Plan” was organized by Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Department of Management Studies NHCE on 31st August 2019 from 9 am to 1:30 PM. The program was organized for the ED cell faculty coordinators of NHCE. The speaker for the program was Mr. Prof. Surjyabrat Buragohain, Entrepreneur and Associate Dean & Deputy Placement Coordinator at ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL, Bangalore.
The objective of the FDP was to make faculties understand the challenges that come up for an entrepreneurship educator. The session also focused on steps to identify the idea that has an opportunity, how an effective business plan should be written and different ways to guide students through various levels of Entrepreneurship.
The speaker made the session very interactive and gave lots of real time examples that the faculties and students relate to. It was a fruitful session.