Fdp On Digital Marketing

Department of Management Studies organized FDP on “Digital marketing” on 14.02.2020 at ISE lab, 5 th Floor, Chatrapati Shivaji Block, New Horizon Collge of Engineering. InfoSkaters Technologies Pvt Ltd organized session where they briefed all the MBA faculty members on digital marketing and its tools. Hands on session were also taken. During the session faculties learnt how to design pages for various social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn. The trainers trained MBA faculties on digital campaign for promotional event, how to promote their business through various digital portals, creation of digital adds. On the whole the session was very well taken by the trainers. The participants got various insights on digital marketing. The trainers had one to one session with Faculty members. The digital marketing session ended with a thanks giving by Dr. Sheelan , HODManagement Studies.