Financial stability a key factor in Entrepreneurial journey

Date: 23rd Febraury,2023
Time: 11:00 A.M
Speaker Name & Designation: Mr. Ramaswamy Kailash, Senior Specialist
London stock exchange
Department of Management Studies organized an Expert Lecture on “Financial stability a key factor in Entrepreneurial journey” on 23rd February, 2023. Speaker for the day was Mr. Ramaswamy Kailash, Senior Specialist – London stock exchange.
The Session was started as a story narrating his one of the situations he experienced in his workplace. he spoke about his journey, problems faced and highlighted the key factors of financial stability which makes an effective entrepreneur. Sir has given more insight about how one can improve his skills and talents once we enter into the corporate and gain more necessary needful information also how to understand the potential and scalability while choosing different financial portfolios for entrepreneurial journey.
He spoke about the skills that an individual need to develop on financial stability for entrepreneurial decision making. He has shared all his experience to NHCE students. It is through reflecting about the actions at work and the concrete experiences that will lead you to recognizing that the experience has forged a new way of thinking about the financial stability.