“Free Eye Camp – Cheemasandra Village”

Date: 02-08-2022
Department of Management Studies, New Horizon College of Engineering and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan cell in association with Sankara Eye Hospital organized a free eye check-up camp in Rampura village on 2nd Aug 2022. The camp is organised for benefitting Cheemasandra village people by providing a quality check-up free of cost. Four doctors from Sankara hospital and students volunteer from NHCE have organised the camp. The program started with a small inaugural session by NHCE students where village panchayat were present and lighted the lamp , followed by invocation song , Sriharikatha felicitation of Gram Panchayat Members and Doctors were introduced. The camp started with free eye check-up for Panchayat members followed by 100 villagers in and around Cheemasandra got benefitted through this free eye check-up camp. We thank NHCE Management, Sankara Eye hospital and Cheemasandra village Panchayat for extending support towards conducting the event.