Department: Department of Master of Business Administration
Date: 12th June,2020 To 12th June,2020
Time: 10.00 AM To 1.00 PM
A webinar was conducted on 12th June,2020 by the Department of Management Studies, NHCE in cooperation with ED Cell and the Incubation Center of New Horizon College of Engineering. The speakers were Mr. Samish Dalal and Mr. Yash Singh who spoke on the topic of “Global Family Business Summit. Mr. Yashsingh is the Founder and MD of Grey Safety Tool Pvt.Ltd and COO of Greycart Founders. He shared his experiences in Family Business and shared an analogy of being adaptable to survive. Mr. SamishDalal specializes in the field of Negotiation, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is a professor at S.P Jain along with his many accolades.
He spoke about three-point agenda required for any entrepreneur to follow which is:
1.Make it Global
2.Adopt in practice