HBx Online Course on “Business Analytics “

Date: 23rd March –18th May’ 2022
Duration: Duration (8 weeks)
Speaker Name: Professor Janice H. Hammond,
Professor – Manufacturing,
Harvard Business School.
Department of Management Studies, NHCE offers Online Certification Programme from Harvard Business School on the topic “Business Analytics”. for the students who have opted GP Program. The Online course is on “Business Analytics”. Course Instructor is Janice H. Hammond, Professor – HBx,. Duration of the Course is 8 weeks. The Structure of the course includes 5 Modules which includes Describing and Summarizing Data, Sampling and Estimation, Hypothesis testing, Single Variable Linear Regression and Multiple Regression. Business Analytics introduces quantitative methods used to analyze data and make better management decisions. This course is not based on rote memorization of equations or facts, but focuses on honing your understanding of key concepts, your managerial judgment, and your ability to apply course concepts to real business problems. Recognize trends in data and detect outliers • Summarize data sets concisely • Analyze relationships between variable, • Create representative samples and draw conclusions about the larger population • Craft sound survey questions. Quantify the evidence in favor of or against your hypothesis in order to make managerial decisions. Analyze the relationship between two variables and develop forecasts for values outside the data set. Identify relationships among three or more variables to improve understanding of data and provide better forecasts. Business analytics is a set of disciplines and technology businesses use to solve complex problems. A business analytics solution uses data analysis processes, statistical models and other quantitative methods to guide business owners.
Many data-driven solutions are available today to help businesses and their executives improve their decision-making processes. Gone are the days where CEOs rely solely on their intuition to navigate through common pain points.