International Seminar on Managers Of The Future, Career Pathways In Business Analytics

Date: 06/08/2021
Time: 10 AM – 11 PM
The Department Of Management Studies,
NHCE organized a Management Week
International seminar on Managers of the Future Career Pathways in Business Analytics in Association with AIMS -Associa tion of Indian Management Schools. Head ed by Dr. Manjunatha, Principal NHCE, Dr.Sheelan Mishra HOD of Management Studies, Faculty Coordinator Dr. Priyameet Kaur Keer.
The esteemed panel discussion was taken over by Dr. C Manohar, Chairman – AIMS, and honorable International speakers, Dr. Charu , UAE, Dubai & Prof. Avv. Maria Bruccoleri, Italy. The aim of this international conference was to indulge the stu dents of our department and to promote the idea and insights on Data Analytics and its future impact where they have plenty of opportunities to shape their future if opted for.