MBA Induction Program on Leverage LinkedIn

Date: 8/02/2022
Beneficiary: MBA – 1st SEM STUDENTS
Department of Management Studies organised an Induction Program for MBA I sem students of 2021-22 on the topic “Leverage LinkedIn” held on 8th Feb, 2022 in Falconry Seminar Hall. The speaker for the session was Ms. Suma Annegowda, Founder – BooksforHer & LinkedInforHer, Career Coach, LinkedIn Expert. The objective of the session was to enhance the growth of professional network in order to ensure a successful career.
Students gained knowledge about linkedin app and its features. The speaker emphasized on networking concept- connecting to right people, building brand awareness and connections with consumers and other people. Speaker also highlighted that linkedin is a professional platform designed to help in finding jobs and also to establish and reinforce business relationships.