MBA Workshop – “Data Analysis using SPSS”

Date: 11th & 12th of JULY’ 2022
Time: :11th July – 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 – 4 PM : 12th July – 9 AM to 12 PM.
Speaker Name: Dr. Senthilkumar ,
Professor, School of Management,
Presidency University, Bangalore.
- Department of Management Studies, NHCE organized a workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS”. The Honourable speaker of this session was Dr. Senthil Kumar, Professor, School of Management, Presidency University, Bangalore. The session aimed at helping students know about SPSS package. It was an informative and interactive session that helped students explore more about understanding how to analyse the data sets and using the tools to present the data. The speaker gave relevant examples on generate tabulated reports, charts and plots of distributions and trends, descriptive statistics and conduct complex statistical analyses. SPSS is beneficial for both qualitative and quantitative data equal importance is been given for both data sets, about 85% of the research scholars carry quantitative data for their further analysis. SPSS gives a perfect graphical representation and also an appropriate result for the data that has been entered We thank Dr Sheelan Misra, Head of department of Management studies for organizing such an insightful session that is relevant to the industry and for constantly encouraging and motivating students.