MBA Workshop – “Industry Sector Analysis”

Date: 9th of JULY’ 2022
Time: :1100am – 1:00pm
Speaker Name: Mr.Jishnu Jith, Private banker – IDFC, First Bank
Ms Sonali, Senior Analyst, Goldman Sachs
Ms.Dhyanasree, Amazon Development Centre Pvt. Ltd.,
- Department of Management Studies, NHCE organized a workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS”. The Honourable speakers of this session were Mr.Jishnu Jith, Ms.Sonali and Ms.Dhyanasree. They gave relevant examples of all the specializations including Human Resource, Marketing and Finance. Ms. Sonali explained on the skill sets required to enter into Finance domain which includes providing and interpreting Financial information, monitoring and interpreting cash flows and predicting future trends, managing financial accounting, monitoring and reporting systems. Ms.Dhyanasree explained on the skill sets required for a HR manager which include HR strategy & Creation, Recruitment, On – boarding, Selection, Employee engagement and Training & Development, Coaching, HR reporting skills, Employee empowerment & Employee well – being. Mr. Jishnu explained on the skill sets required to be a Marketing Manager which include Marketing skills, promotion skills, Digital marketing, Partner networking, Marketing analytics and Branding.We thank Dr Sheelan Misra, Head of department of Management studies for organizing such an insightful session that is relevant to the industry and for constantly encouraging and motivating students.