Parivarthan :- An orientation program to 1st year MBA students

A Guest Lecture on “Parivartan – Winds of Change” was organized by the Department of Management Studies on 1 st October, 2019 in order to provide a head start for the students to be familiarized with the upcoming challenges and overcome them in the millennial generation which has rapid rate of changes in skill requirement. The workshop lead by Ms. Preeja Sreedharan . The orientation emphasized on the importance of change in workplace and corporate world and made us understand how adaptability and agility are important for career growth and how introspecting self through swot analysis, converting our weakness into strength and threats into opportunities would help in developing one’s conscience towards change.
The session not only was pertaining to the business world but also about the individuals growth within and around him/her, attitude, conflicts within one selves and with outside environment and the way we handle our emotions also impacts ours career growth, emotional strength is more important than bookish knowledge. It made students to be ready for changes, continuously learn and adapt to the situations, develop our problem solving abilities. It also helped learning about intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills in the sessions with the fun activities like roll the ball, introduce our friends to crowd and a role play. These activities helped the students to know the importance of teamwork, communication skills and attitude to bear in workplace (work ethics), presentation skills & problem solving abilities. Overall the session was a fresh start to the journey and help in striving towards success.