RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- 13th& 16th April 2018

The Department of Management Studies of New Horizon College of Engineering Organized a visit to Cheemasandhra and to Nimbakaypura for Rural development, on 13th and 16th April, 2018.
Day 1:
We visited the village at 9am.We were of around 17members in a team and were guided by two faculties Mrs. Karena mam and Mrs. Smitha mam. We spoke with the villagers and doctors for a while and started with the medical camp where free checkup was done by five ophthalmologists to maximum villagers. Meanwhile few students were done campaigns to inform the villagers about the medical camp.
Other few students of our team gave awareness of second day events like sports, cultural and rangoli etc., to each children, men and women. The villagers are kind and welcoming and even gave us some refreshers while we were visiting their houses.
The president of this village provided a hygienic lunch to the doctors and to all students participated in the rural development.Nimbakaypura:
We visited the village at 9am.We were of 17members in a team and were escorted by two faculties Tejas sir and Seshu sir. We spoke with the villagers for a while and started with the plantation of trees. We took 50 saplings and we planted in different places in the village, near the temple, near roadside, schools and many more.
Few members of our team gave awareness of health and hygiene to villagers. In which we have covered how they can prevent themselves from Dengue, Malaria. Also some basic knowledge about hygiene. The villagers are kind and welcoming, They even gave us some refreshers while we were planting trees and offered us some fruits.
Day 2:
We reached the village by 9am. We divided ourselves into small groups for different programme. We were guided by Mrs. Karena mam.Programme 1: Skill development
One of the team started with this programme, we had around 40 kids in the age of 6-16. They taught the basic grammar (tenses, prepositions, articles, etc.,), they were active and responsive. Then our students make the children to come out with their ambitions. We had activities like crafting, sketching, and some games. This programme was for two hours.Programme 2: Sports
The sports team started the programme at 11:30am.
We had conducted various eventslike Tug of war, Running race, Kabaddi, Needle and thread. We had many participants, who took part and they were very exciting. The programme went successfully. Also village students kept the competition among us these made them very happy.Programme 3: Cultural
The event started at 3:30pm.
We conducted attractive programme like solo singing, solo dance, group singing and group dance. Many children were excited to take part in this cultural programme. We had many participants in this programme.Nimbakaypura:
We reached the village by 9am. We divided ourselves into small groups for different programme. We were escorted by Santosh sir and Vinumon sir.Programme 1: Skill development
One of the team started with this programme, we had around 15-20 kids (below 10 years). They thought the basic English and little bit of computer to children, even they were active and responsive. We had activities like crafting, sketching, and some games. This programme was for a hour and half.Programme 2: Sports
The sports team started the programme at 11:30am. We had different programme which areTug off war, Running race,Kabaddi, and Needle and thread.We had many participants, who took part and they were very exciting. The programme went successfully.Programme 3: Cultural
The event started at 3:30pm.We had many programme, Solo singing,Group singing,Group dance.
Many children were excited to take part in this cultural programme. We had many participants in this programme.
At 5pm, we had Prize distribution programme. Prizes were distributed by Mrs.Karena mam, the village president and member of the village panchayat. At last we honoured the guests by giving Momentos to the village president and member of the village panchayat.We students had a great time in the Rural Development programme. We also enjoyed alot by helping and organizing this programme.