Workshop On Salesforce

New Horizon College of Engineering, Department of Management studies in association with Salesforce presented a talk on Salesforce online platform trailblazer. The speakers spoke about , 9.6 million job opportunities created by salesforce for the students across world. They spoke about how salesforce platform assisted services are helping companies across the world. The speakers conveyed their success stories narrating their journey starting from getting connected with salesforce and how it has helped them in their job and career. The technology platform trailblazer was narrated in detail and courses pertaining to different domains was explained. The workshop enabled the students to create profile on salesforce technology platform and access different courses offered. Students were further connected through whatapp group to discuss about the job opportunities.
We Extend our sincere thanks and gratitude towards salesforce team and management of New Horizon College of Engineering for providing us with the platform for organising the event and request for organising similar kind of events in future.